Dance #9

One dance, two dances. One in the morning. So the one in the morning was at the gym and it was to the White Stripes first eponymous album. I noticed this time that there was two spooky religious blues songs, John The Revelator and St. James Infirmary. Jack White is brilliant and fun to dance to. I was thinking during the song about the poem Lancelot Runge because he wrote on FB that he only had 17 good days out of the last two years. I wasn't sure about the tone of this, but it did cause me to worry. I wanted to say to him that I've had 2 good years in the last 17 days and that includes being sick. But he needs his anguish to write the poems full of duende that he writes. And Jack White also no stranger to courting pain for art's sake. Or at least turning pain into art, transforming it into something beautiful and pleasurable and authentic. That album starts with Jimmy The Exploder so it is immediately explosive. I only had 45 minutes to dance and it caused me to sprint as fast as I could in the small dance room of the Boulder Rec Center, back and forth like a caged animal, spinning with a flourish in the double mirrored corner.


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