January is shaping up beautifully, what with this magic hole in the teaching schedule. A portal to good dances. This morning for a work out I found a rare gem, a perfect dance mix. Here's the process I took to find it. First I listened to a lot of radio. Then I moved to Colorado and opened a music venue called the D Note. Then I listened to radio1190 in Bouder. There I heard Joel Davis on his world music show Terrasonic. I booked him to spin at the D Note and a good time was had by all. Much time passed and now, a decade later, I live in NY, but I still listen to Joel often, via satellites of love. I still haven't found a better DJ. (Though our mutual friend John Shaeffer, whom I also booked at the D Note, is in the same club.) This brings us to this morning, when I was looking for something to take the sleep slug away, to disperse the druthers, as they say. It wasn't easy. It rarely is. Sometimes there is not much that will work to get me going. But that's where a good DJ comes in handy. I googled "Joel Davis mixcloud dance."  So many to choose from under Joel's dance dj name, Radio Joelio. I scrolled down until one looked good.

And wow! pop! Whoo! I was off on one of the most energetically uplifting dances of my life.

Well, that and strong coffee.


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