Woke up in shock with the rest of the sane world this morning at the election of Trump. Genevieve in tears. Such a serious set back.  Ugh.

But walking the girls to school, some hope:

"Girls, did you hear that Hillary lost last night?"

Sofia says, "Who won?"


Long pause...

"Well, when I grow up I guess I will become the first woman president."

That's our girl. Tears came to my eyes and I high fived her.

"Why do you like that so much?" she asked.

Because it is optimistic.

"What is optimistic mean?" asked Lucia.

So I explained the difference between optimism and pessimism. Seemed so apt!

After walking them to school I meditated, which helped enormously. And then I danced. A powerful one two combo.

My upstairs neighbor asked, "Random question...nt sure if you're home. Im' noticing the floor and windows are shaking. Any ideas why?"

"I'm dancing. I can try in basement though."

"Ha, no big deal. Sounds like fun."

"Yeah a good way to shake the blues." 

Joel Davis' Terrasonic show from Nov. 5 gave me the soundtrack for a great dance, which hit a full on beautiful pitch by the time he got to the DJ Nu-Mark track 45 minutes in.



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