99 & Barry show from KGNU 4/12/13 (archived on kgnu)

Paco clavel and German Kopini
Family Atlantica Cumba
Grupo Fantastica

Music is short cut to Orpheus.

Many layers of fears and expectations broken. Siddharta.

"U gotta feed them til they're clean
And tell your friends you are not afraid of them"

Saw the most beautiful brown and tan pigeon with an iridescent pink band around her neck 
this morning. I can't believe you people called them rats with wings. I can't even believe rats get that bad of a rap. Each pigeon is so uniquely beautiful.

I feel so fortunate to find 99 and Barry online, and to find cemetery back open!

It was closed long enough for me to be able to fully appreciate having a place to really let go. Not to mention the ensuing death meditation.

Also thinking about how the random, the greatest pay off the surprise, to make life beautiful and interesting. This is one reason why I love the radio. DJs. The right DJ can lead you astray.

But mostly thinking about the layers of fears and desires and how to cut through them so crystal lake is clear.

Also smiling. It can be surprisingly difficult.


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