April 17

Dance and Balmville to get for you or tacos for George's. Around the golf course instead of through as I wanted to. Respect for the in-laws. And then a long ancient residential road the back way. Last Hideaway, to the shopping aisles with equipment, ha ha. Whitman!

On the way back hopping down Chestnut, a school bus pulls right in front of me and stops, out gets an extremely beautiful girl maybe 16, long brown hair lifting in the wind, Persian eye.  She was getting outs of the bus just as I was about to pass by. I can either stop which I will not do or I can do a brilliant spontaneous dance move to the right through her yard leaping from rock to rock in the most spectacular fashion. It was the perfect show off moment, ha ha. Listening to snoop fellow snoop a fella. Channel magic. Played the universe like a DJ.q  Oh yeah, 44!

And for the coup de grace, when I got her there was the same girl on the front page of the local newspaper throwing a baseball. She's a picture for the local baseball team!


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