Probably number 750 at this point.

 It's been a long time since I posted here. I was going for 1001 dances, but when Blogger made it tough for me to post pictures, I slowed down. I should start again.

Today rode my bike into Corona. It was one of those impossibly glorious bikerides.

I put together a youtube video in my mind. I was listening to the Vibrarian Mixcloud, which I highly recommend. This set was called Burgers * Silicone  * Lust. 

Vibrarian is one of the aliases of my friend Joel Davis. He is probably my longest go to DJ. I've been following him since he used to DJ our club, D Note, in Arvada back in the early 2010s. 

I often have religious experiences with Joel's sets. Today was no exception. 

The video would be a go-pro around the city. Taking in the sights. To the extent of Joel's set. On a bike, or on foot, either way.

Then later I would record another layer to the video, a voice over. 

Each song of the set would have a different focus for the listener. The listener would be invited to listen to the just the audio on their own ride-about.

It might look something like this,

A. "Big your bike ride at a crawl. 

A. I slowed down my pace to a crawl and just tried to flow to the music super chill. 

B. I straightened my back for a stretch (of road and body) and pretended I was floating, since my torso was perpindicular. I do some cat/cow stretches from behind the wheel, getting into a yoga breathing rhythm. I fantasize about leading a Peloton-style class. This is that. Sway a little bit with your arms up. 

C. I begin to notice the way my wheels are in sync with the beat. I experiment with trying to go half time with the wheel rotation (down stroke on the beat), and double time. This puts you sync with the 

D. Then I picked it up for the next song. If I couldn't push the beat forward, say at a stop, or to slow down, I pedaled backward, keeping to the beat. I swerved as well, to the swells of the music. 

E. I concentrated on style, trying to be as stylized in my riding and movements I could be, pretended I was in front of Olympic judges for a new sport. 

F. I slowed again and pretended that the world was moving in slow motion, taking in the sunset, the slant rays of light, the visual smorgasbord of the surroundings. "Tis little I could care for brooches," said Emily Dickinson," when with rubies the emperor pelteth me." That's the level I'm talking about, being pelted by the visual. Take several pictures to commemorate the ride. 

G. Still grooving into the ride, concentrate on the smell.

H. Concentrate on the words to the song you are listening to.

I. Try to think of nothing for one song. Note what comes up.

J. Get off your bike in a park. Face East. Think what East means to you. Bow down. Face West. Think of what East means to you. Bow down. Face South, bow, think about it. Face North, bow, think about it. Do a full bend over and hang there for a minute. Notice the extreme visuals this creates behind the eyelids. There were literally, in mine, expanding light neon pink and purple colored flower patterns emerging in mine today.

K. Stand up slowly. Notice the pressure change. Take in a big breath. Dance in the circle.

L. Spend a song thinking about the logistics of the Peloton-style video idea. Realize that most people will not follow you so far as to dance in a circle in a park. Maybe? Probably though, if you want enough followers to monetize the video it should be kept within social "norms". Right? Most people will not break with the social norm.

M. Daydream about getting business people on board to make this into an actual business. Brother Matthew, Brother-in-law Matthew.  Joel Davis as DJ. Terrible idea. But if you got a lot of young, hot "guides" for this bicycle/dance/yoga sessions, I'm sure you could make it work. 

Good luck to me on that one.


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