For some reason I have not been keeping tabs here. I don’t know how many dances I have not documented. They count if I don’t document it? I think so yes. But does anybody care? Yes all of the wilderness is watching me. every time I go out I see something amazing, feel something amazing, and think I should write it all down. Should I though? Finally tonight I am. I listened to the history of literature podcast, on the walk to doughboy Park, the amazing episode about the poet Emilia, Shakespeare’s dark lady. Completely inspiring.
Then ran into Mike Mccurty and his seven year old son. even though it’s like 20° out we talked for 15 minutes about all kinds of things including the three planets that are visible in the sky right now, which he pointed out with his app: Saturn and Jupiter and Mars. We also talked about the 7000 habitable planets just in our arm of the Milky Way.
Before leaving Mike I asked him which Music he would recommend to get my ass around the track. Mike is a drummer, avante garde drummer, with great taste. He recommended the Lijadu sisters. I love this track, which features talking drum and a beautiful owed to the moon.
And I feel stellar. Cosmic.

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