I dragged myself out of deep nappy sloth, after hours of doing school work on the computer, and, after a cup of strong tea, worked my way into probably the most fully ecstatic state of aliveness, through dance, that you could reach, the nth state, where you almost feel as if you are going to implode and explode at the same time. Every song was a journey in movement and creativity. The music is moving you and you are playing with it in return. At one point, in a mash up between The Digital Underground's "Dowhutchulike" and The Gap Band's, "Oops Upside Your Head," I found myself punching myself in circles, first a left to the jaw, spin around like a cartoon boxer, and then here comes the right, spin the other way, and then quickly back and forth, right jaw, then left jaw, while making hilarious faces at myself in the mirror, with my jaw moving back and forth with the punches to the beat.

Later the girls come in, for 20 minutes, and we play all sorts of games to the music. The best one though I recorded and will have to put up on YouTube. I had a plastic baton or sorts and they were trying to get it, but I was moving it around, and popping them with it. Pure laughter and fun, to the beat.

And of course I can't thank Joel Davis enough for providing such a spectacular set of music for this most spectacular moment of life. A perfect hour.

Afterward I did yoga to the BBC live version of Elvis Costello's "I Want You" and that was sublime too.

I should add that the rest of the day was also amazing. One part worth remembering, is reciting to the girls before bed, from memory, the words to Gerard Manley Hopkins "The Windhover", and carefully explaining the meaning, line be line. It was a special moment, one that I had not even been aware that I was preparing for.


And this is Patrick Burns' BBC Peel Sessions Playlist. This "I Want You" for the win.


And this is an American Goldfinch that I spotted out the window today.



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