typical of the clever halloween decorations in my neighborhood

I got a new iPhone 7+. Was excited to have good picture taking capability again, but alas, found out this morning that the Blogger iPhone app no longer exists. I never thought I'd have this problem with Google. I'm assuming it has something to do with Apple/Google proprietary rights. Anyway, lame.

Today put on an African mixtape, from Spotify, and headed to the Cemetery. Haven't been there in awhile. I was thinking about the idea of putting dances up on youtube, as a way to document them, so I set up a video camera on a grave and began to dance. 

This couple came by and asked what I was listening to. Uh, Snoop Lion, Snoop Dog's reggae self, his song fruit juice. 

The man, Jeff, told me about French political rap music he thought I would like (?) called Blockstop. I told him I'd check it out. Then he told me he was in NYC's Labor Chorus and they were having a concert at NYU on  November 12th, and that I should come. And that they needed baritone singers too if I was interested. Apparently they sing choral labor movement music? Hard to fathom, but I'm definitely intrigued. 

Nice to meet some neighbors while I was I was out dancing.

Oh and they said they liked my moves, thought I was a professional dancer! That's what I needed to hear today. Feeling old and lame otherwise. 


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