Today I was home with a sick Sofia while Mama and Lucia went too meet Sean Ferry and fam at The Creative Time art show in the northern parts of Central Park.

Even though Sofia had a temperature of 100.5 we still somehow managed a dance. The spirit just took us over.

It partly had to do with the music Joel Davis chose for his Afternoon Sound Alternative set non pareil from May 14, 2015.

I don't know why these kinds of fun dances don't happen every day with the girls. But when they do I have to think that they are imparting something essential and everlasting in the spirit of the girls.

At one point as we were dancing separately Sofia said, "Let's do something together" and my heart melted. I swung her up in the air like an airplane and flew her around and around before flopping her down on the chair, all the sway of the music.

Unexpected and full of the most special kind of love.

    Sofia style:


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