Shaggy w/ Mr. Vegas at free show in Bed-Stuy at Herbert Von King Park. Booty shakin heaven! Only fair skinned fellow amid a sea of undulating black and tan beauties going at it even harder than me. My people! (I must be an albino.)

What a perfect way to celebrate my 65th dance.

Before the show comes to a close I get a call from Jamaica and Irie, my nieces (perfectly named for this very show), who are supposed to be on their way to meet me from Manhattan. They are scared and lost and Genevieve wants me to come help, so I begin the descent back Down into the serious and safe.

But so thankful for this moment.

I'll never forget Mr. Vegas leading the whole crowd in a soulful rendition of three little birds.

During the show I get a text from Brian:

"During our darshan, Kaden stopped after she let us go and asked Amma a question. He stood by himself right in front of her. He looked at her and said, 'Amma, can you visit God?' She giggled, tickled his nose and said, 'you are my God, you just don't realize it yet.' Then he leaned into her and she scooped him up again. Super duper sweet moment. Just filled me up."

I tell Jeremy this story and Jeremy's question is what would that do to 7 year old?

Give them power tempered with wisdom.

I remember Grandma making me king for a day when I was Kaden's age, 7 yrs old, and my first thought was don't abuse my power!

But I still got a banana split out of it.

Dude gets arrested outside a bodega. Probably for shoplifting. He looked thoroughly humiliated. Felt bad for him. But you gotta learn!

crowd shots at the Herbert Von King Shaggy show


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