I'm A crossing the Hamilton Fish toward Beacon, a giant brown bridge spanspanning the great Hudson, like the byzantine vertebrae of a giant brown whale. I meant to appropriate seeing as to how Hamilton, via the eyes of Lin-Manuel Miranda, has become a metaphor resurrected for our golden hip hop age. I watched a V of geese fly just over the lip of the Hudson, toward the shore. I think to take out my phone, but remember the snow leopard in Walter Mitty that Sean Penn did not capture. I am listening to David Bowie's Blackstar, maybe his greatest work of art, and the saxophone comes in, that inimitable David Bowie saxophone. And I remember hearing in one of the countless interviews as of late how he started out wanting to become the saxophone player for the Little Richard band. I understand that exactly. So this saxophone solo built up to it's messy scattershot climax just as the geese hit the shore, scattering the several geese waiting, in perfect disharmony. Dancing across t...