
Showing posts from August, 2015


Invited to a Banksy tribute on Delancy Street, danced hard to old Skool hip hop while the painters painted. After listening all day to Frank Delany explicate Ulysses, I'm in a cerebral dance, where my body is writing, just as the language of Joyce is musical and dances across the page.


On that fantastic pop and lock, groove and slide, conveyer belt around the hood. Quinn pops up like magic and then Katy and then long conversation about books and movies and kids and life. Like magic I tell you! Like an apparition rising from the very sidewalks.  Someone doesn't want to stay off the grass!


Not sure where the slack in the soft shoe came from, but today went out in the hood this morning and then tore it up at Shima's 40th, on a deck in Edgewater NJ overlooking Gotham. Old Skool hip hop. Shaking something out, maybe old age itself. shaking down entropy.