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Friday night went out with KC Trommer and her friends. Kind of felt like I was crashing a literary version of Sex and The City. One of the woman asked if anyone liked hearing how wonderful someone else's life was. And all of the women said no, in their own way. I said I didn't mind. And then someone said that's because I was an empath. I don't think that's it. Just because I like to share when things are wonderful, but I hold back, because people are often not very happy and resent hearing about someone that is. All the women said they had miserable fathers. And exes. And they asked me how my father was and I said great, and they said, "makes sense for you." One woman said she didn't know anyone who was truly happy! I suddenly felt guilty. How ridiculous is that? And then we talked about how misery was more interesting to talk about, made a better story, and, indeed, KC told us an amazing story about eating too much spacecake and waking up at her inlaw...